44 Articles
Taha Shashtari
Make your JavaScript more readable with named parameters
Taha Shashtari
Strategy pattern is better when done with functions
Taha Shashtari
JavaScript's Reduce: From Array to Anything
Taha Shashtari
Why you shouldn't use async and defer in the same script tag
Taha Shashtari
Why the number of Gleam programmers is growing so fast?
Taha Shashtari
Mastering closures in JavaScript
Taha Shashtari
Software design patterns and principles are not the goal
Taha Shashtari
Creating a Twitter-Like Header Transition on Scroll
Taha Shashtari
Creating a Smooth Card-to-Modal Transition with Vanilla JavaScript
Taha Shashtari
Building a Seamless Drag-to-Reorder Widget with Vanilla JavaScript
Taha Shashtari
How to Add Web Push Notifications to Your Web App
Taha Shashtari
Introduction to testing
Taha Shashtari
Create something for nothing
Taha Shashtari
How to add additional data to your source data
Taha Shashtari
Checking object equality with value objects
Taha Shashtari
Control the function internals with callbacks
Taha Shashtari
Implement undo with the command pattern
Taha Shashtari
How to make long functions more readable
Taha Shashtari
You can optimize your algorithms later
Taha Shashtari
Records vs. Objects
Taha Shashtari
Provide an API for your complex arrays
Taha Shashtari
Split your code into phases
Taha Shashtari
Create objects with factory functions
Taha Shashtari
Is global data bad?
Taha Shashtari
Clear Names
Taha Shashtari
What is Polymorphism?
Taha Shashtari
Group related functions
Taha Shashtari
Hide complex conditional details
Taha Shashtari
Should you pass the whole object to a function?
Taha Shashtari
Encapsulation: the two worlds
Taha Shashtari
Introduce your own data types
Taha Shashtari
Simpler conditionals with Guard Clauses
Taha Shashtari
Introduce Parameter Object
Taha Shashtari
You probably don't need loops
Taha Shashtari
Building a SolidJS App With SolidStart From Scratch
Taha Shashtari
9 Tips to Write Better Vue Components
Taha Shashtari
How to Implement Name-Based Avatar Component in Vue
Taha Shashtari
Fast Frontend Development With Mocked GraphQL
Taha Shashtari
How to Add a Sliding Sidebar Menu to Your Site
Taha Shashtari
Building Your First Single-Page Application in Vue
Taha Shashtari
How to Detect Outside Clicks in Vue
Taha Shashtari
How to Make Your Page Load Faster
Taha Shashtari
Your First Real-Time App in Node
Taha Shashtari
Understand JWT in 3 minutes